Having me take my underwear completely off, Dr James put on a pair of gloves, and I didn't know what he was going to do. He asked me about my workout schedule and what I liked to do. Taking a hold of my cock, he started to squeeze and touch it as it grew into a nice big boner. The doctor told me he was going to take my temperature, and to do that I needed to turn over. Getting on all fours, he stuck his finger in my ass to prepare it for the thermometer that was about to come. As he stuck it into my ass, he kind of played with it, and moved it around. Turning over once he was done he had me lay back down on my backside, noticing the huge boner that I had going on. He started to stroke it, and asked if he could suck it. Placing my cock in his mouth he started to give me a great blowjob. If this was the way the campus was going to always treat me I was going to have a great year.
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